Aaron Goldweber

A multidisciplinary visual designer working along the Cuyahoga River. My expertise ranges from brand and logo design, to event marketing and most recently User Interface and User Experience Design.

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Brand Identity Default Image Brand Identity Hover Image

I create designs ranging from simple monograms to cross-platform design guidelines, delivering visually stunning products.


UI Design Default Image UI Design Hover Image

I craft delightful digital interactions, making unique and seamless user experiences. The unnoticed details in a product are the most satisfying to create.


Research Default Image Research Hover Image

Empathy is key to understanding user needs. My research methods dive deep into user needs to uncover hidden challenges.

My Work

Work 1

The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs

We revitalized the organization's navigation, adoption process, and visual identity to modern standards.

Work 2

CRuX ā€“ An app for climbers

This app helps climbers by providing real-time data on climbing locations and a platform to share their experiences.

Work 3

Out nā€™ About ā€“ A family app

This app allows parents to search and review local outdoor activities, making it easy to find fun, verified events for their families.

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